South of downtown Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This Compassion Project site is surrounded by extreme poverty. Sponsored kids live in sub-standard housing. Common health problems include pneumonia, TB, typhoid and HIV / AIDS.
by Cindy Davis - Live from Addis Abba, Ethiopia (Africa)
I am so amazed that children live their life in poverty with no running water, no sanitation of any kind and living in a space put together with anything and everything their mom can find to keep out of the weather and once put together is smaller than a tent that my family and I take camping. Even when we go wilderness camping, our luxuries are still better than what these children live in everyday of their life. After a weekend of camping we start feeling grubby and smelly and we cannot wait to get back home to the nice comfortable bed and the hot clean showers to wash all the grub away. These children do not have any of that. They live this way 24/7 everyday of their lives, no matter the weather. We have experienced walking in the awful muddy, unsanitary, very nasty smelling conditions in our shoes. These children go barefoot and never get a good clean, soapy hot bath. But yet they are so happy and just starve for attention and love. The mothers show so much love for their children but the children still want us to love and hug and play with them. I have given many hugs not only to the children but to the mothers this week. The mothers try so hard to make the situation they are faced with better for the children. If not for Compassion International, these children would not get the care they get in these projects we have visited. Not only the children are educated, but the mothers are also educated on how to take care of themselves and the children in better ways. They are also witnessed to and taught about the love of Jesus in hopes of accepting Him into their lives. Education and health aids are provided for these children. If they get sick they do get the attention and the medication needed to make them well again. This is possible through some of the money given through Compassion International. They give hope not only for the children but also for the family. I cannot turn these children away when they come to me and want me to shake their hand or cling to my legs or my arms or just want a simple hug. -Cindy
"And any of you who welcomes a little child like this
because you are mine, is welcoming me and caring for me."
Matthew 18:5
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